@essiembre Hi Pascal, I have faced a couple of issues with Elasticserach Importer. First off, I found the commit count is way off as seen in the following log segment. The site ran previously and was …
I ran the collector and have the working folders here. The SQL commit failed as the database was down.
Is it possible to just re-run the committer part without rerunning the collector? The c…
I set up a domain named "mysearch" on AWS OpenSearch. Its end point is https://search-mysearch-abcd1234.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com/ and it's set to be public accessible. I installed Norconex http coll…
My crawler does a language detection on crawled documents and then assigns data such as "content", "title" and "description" to different fields based on the language detected. I use `ScriptTagger` fo…
Hi Pascal,
I am working on a website which include different domains, such as...
// Below are the domains in the start url section
Is there a method to chunk the acquired content when committing it to Azure Search? If so, I would like to learn about it.
I have configured the SQLFileCommitter.xml and the content is
And I have set the SQLCommitterConfig by using the methods:
`SQLCommitterConfig sql…
Along the lines of the mongodb driver a dynamodb driver would be great. If there are no plans/bandwidth to make one, please post any guidance here for a novice java developer to get started.
Elasticsearch 5+ supports ingestion pipelines. They are similar to taggers. Probably useful to support.
Using the Azure Search committer I wanted to use CosmosDB as a URL Store rather than MongoDB.
MongoCrawlDataStoreFactory - looking at code the only reason it does not work is that ther…