`class IDetect(nn.Module):
stride = None # strides computed during build
export = False # onnx export
end2end = False
include_nms = False
concat = False
def __init__(…
1、I use 5 anchors for detection in the beginning, the last convolutional and region is:
anchors = 0.7,0.97, 2.22,3…
### Search before asking
- [X] I have searched the YOLOv5 [issues](https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/issues) and [discussions](https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/discussions) and found no simi…
I am training an custom object detection model in google colab and I get the following error .I get the error only in colab .The code works perfectly fine on the local machine.
AttributeError: '_T…
While trying to run the following code:-
`import os`
`import tensorflow as tf`
`from object_detection.utils import label_map_util`
`from object_detection.utils import visualization_utils as vi…
Error during installation. Tested on a x86 and aarch64 (Jetson TX2) machine.
nvidia@jetson-dev:~/code/tf_trt_models (master)$ ./install.sh python3
Downloading protoc
### Search before asking
- [X] I have searched the Ultralytics YOLO [issues](https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/issues) and [discussions](https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/discussion…
Generating anchor boxes for training images and annotation...
Average IOU for 9 anchors: 0.98
Anchor Boxes generated.
Detection configuration saved in Person008/json/detection_config.json
Some la…
Hi, I am currently using yolov3 on a custom dataset of a restaurant kitchen. I am having very decent results on some classes but the mAP for the objects which are smaller objects and surrounded by noi…
### Search before asking
- [X] I have searched the YOLOv5 [issues](https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/issues) and [discussions](https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/discussions) and found no simi…
DiaJB updated
2 weeks ago