### The problem
the terminal does not show the python version, with node it shows normal
**Describe the bug**
zsh-autosuggestion package not working with zplug
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. in zplug I have tried these lines to get it to work with zsh-autos…
### Describe the bug
Under **cygwin x86_64/x86**
After upgrading zsh from `5.5.1` to `5.8.1` , and enabling `ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY=(completion)`,
I'm getting the following error after typing com…
[ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Zsh log (/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/tmp/gitstatus.POWERLEVEL9K.10294.22040.1726854547.2.xtrace.log):
+(anon):7> setopt monitor
## General information
## Basic examination
tty from ssh access on FeeBSD-12.2
zsh used with Oh-my-zsh and antigen (installed from freebsd packages)
add to oh-my-zsh as indi…
## Describe the bug
As [reported by](https://github.com/twpayne/chezmoi/issues/1205#issuecomment-912090344) @dhruvinsh in #1205, `chezmoi add` fails if the path is in a directory implicitly created…
I just installed zsh and antigen, I get this error on the terminal:
`.../robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:bindkey:13: no such keymap `menuselect'`
Steps to…
#### Current Behavior
Initializing starship with `eval "$(starship init zsh)"` fails with this error message:
/proc/self/fd/11:92: no such file or directory: Files/starship/bin/starship.exe pro…
system: Kali linux 2022.3
shell: zsh ( i use oh-my-zsh Manage zsh)
```curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cheat/cheat/master/scripts/cheat.zsh --output cheat.zsh```
edit ``` .zshrc ```
ghost updated
11 months ago
# Problem Description
When opening tilix with zsh as the default shell (or by setting custom command to /bin/zsh in the profile settings), a % sign with inverted color (as through it's been highlight…