The activity fails at line 65 in activity.py:
on Ubuntu 16.04 sucrose
This code apparently is attempting to determine if the java activity is installed. User…
i want to generate iso from RHEL 8 repositories but it fails
i'm an macos system and i use an custom rhel 8 ubi base docker image to use lorax.
I run
lorax --product MYISO \
In this conversation on [#tuf](https://cloud-native.slack.com/archives/C8NMD3QJ3/p1663957309380139), I'm in the process of renaming rust-tuf's interchange types to `pouf`, since that's more aligned wi…
[Original Issue](https://github.com/FOSSRIT/PyCut/issues/12)
To close issue #1 we removed enum. This allows us to run the raw python file but the final XO program presents us with a black screen. T…
I have an iBook G3 (Open Firmware BootROM 4.5.2f2) and I was wondering if there is any way to run the copy of MicroEMACS included in this repository as a client on it, just like it can be done on the …
The makefiles are old and out of date.
The build system needs to be modernized and rationalized.
It should support multiple platforms (Linux and MacOS -- but not Windows
since that's build with …
I suggest transferring this to the github.com/sugarlabs org :D https://github.com/walterbender/training/settings
After uploading an image/photo, it does not turn.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
You need to update the code in linux_serial.go to support 230400. (to be
completely correct, you should update the .go file in src/linux_serial and then
What steps will reproduce the problem?
You need to update the code in linux_serial.go to support 230400. (to be
completely correct, you should update the .go file in src/linux_serial and then