support export to onnx?
**What do you want**
To trim an onnx model down to the first layer
**What did you do**
Using either the .exe on windows or the app.py script on linux.
Remove nodes with children -> add output -…
Could you please share the onnx models?
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
There were 3 new test failures after pulling in a torch-mlir patch: https://github.com/llvm/torch-mlir/commit/55ff110dc29cab7e2495ccdbec9a60512c29c665
The following tests failed:
// RUN: iree…
Can we have an onnx version?
### What happened?
For the given IR
module {
func.func @torch_jit(%arg0: !torch.vtensor, %arg2: !torch.vtensor) -> !torch.vtensor attributes {torch.onnx_meta.ir_version = 7 : si64, torch.…
### What happened?
For the given MLIR
module {
func.func @main_graph( %arg0: !torch.vtensor, %arg1: !torch.vtensor) -> !torch.vtensor attributes {torch.onnx_meta.ir_version = 7 : si64, t…
训练好的pointrend模型使用官方的额export_onnx.py导出onnx发现在np.testing.assert_allclose(onnx_out, paddle_out, rtol=0, atol=1e-03)报错,代码如下,也使用了paddle2onnx来导出模型实测发现精度不一致
def export_onnx(args):
args.config = '/workspa…
Thank you for your excellent work, I would like to deploy it on my computer and hopefully download the onnx models!