Today when the openmrn stack crashes, it stops forever in the crash handler, blinking according to various patterns.
For production purposes this is not good; we need to get back to a working situa…
I try to use OpenMRNLite (version 2.0.0) with the example Stm32CanUSB
I use a NUCLEO 64 board: F103RB
I use Arduino IDE version 1.8.19 with STM32 MCU based boards version 2.8.1
I set TOOLS …
Trying to compile an update, but I got stuck, first with missing location.hh and Parser.hxxout.
I think I figured that out by calling:
_bison -v --update --report=solved --report-file=/tmp/bison…
## Environment
- Development Kit: ESP32-S2
- Kit version (for WroverKit/PicoKit/DevKitC): [v1|v2|v3|v4]
- Module or chip used: WROVER
- IDF version (run ``git describe --tags`` to find it):…
I am unable to get mDNS to resolve the _openlcb-can._tcp.local hostname. Other hosts running avahi-browse as well as the mDNS-SD_Extended example from Arduino-esp32 however resolve it no pro…
Has any work been done to update to esp32 1.0.6 or 2.0.x releases?
../managed_components/OpenMRNIDF/src/freertos_drivers/esp32/Esp32HardwareI2C.cpp: In member function 'void openmrn_arduino::Esp32HardwareI2C::scan(i2c_port_t)':
We need to document the recommended / required bit timing information for CAN-bus.
generally based on the cable length that we are trying to achieve we have a requirement on the prop segment length.
I wasn't sure whether I should open another issue for this, but to me if CAN does not work 100%, the CS is a doorstop.
Problem is that the CS keeps crashing due to CAN/TWAI buffer overruns/overflow…
I tried building from master and got this now, never happened before?
../main/ESP32CommandStation.cpp: In function 'void app_main()':