I am a little confused with terminology.
I organized a larp using a larpscript written by somebody else. What is the best way to present this?
As a race organiser I need.... because ...
I'm receiving this error:
`PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Error in formating DateTime object. Expected DateTime, but instead given boolean in /chroot/home/a031815c/tcotc.com/html/wp-content/…
As a competition organiser, I would like to be able to upload a CSV of paddler/competition info with some metadata, so that I don't have to type all the names in manually for a big event.
Lister une série de modèles épidémiques à tester en commençant par le benchmark initié par S. Picault (Emulsion).
Une autre source intéressante est le site du livre de Keeling et Rohani:
The next iteration of the data-organiser should address the following issues:
- [x] A user should be able to select to reduce all data in a directory,
- [ ] or a single object dataset.
- [ ] or a si…
Il serais important d'organiser ce projet Flask suivant un boilerplate bien définie. Je propose pour celà [Nova](https://github.com/Python-Cameroun/nova), il est orienté web service, il est minimalist…
Actuellement le CSS n'est pas très bien organisé, vous avez plusieurs choix :
- Mettre le CSS de chaque composant dans le fichier correspondant
- Utiliser des fichiers globaux (comme actuellement)…
As Organiser I want to be notified about new rsvp in order to know how many people registered
- User registers at event
- Organizer gets an email with name, email , phone and information, partner and…
Update [Introduction to REDMANE (slides by Rowland)](https://www.canva.com/design/DAGRElfmJC4/4qVkhe7LuQR1MYBUxPBWdw/view?utm_content=DAGRElfmJC4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=ed…