@forman @HelenClifton I closed issue #783 for this new issue
### Expected behavior
I expect cate to download datasets from the ODP with or without specific regions
### Actual behavior
**2023 02 07**
- [x] Meeting structure
- Have a special me…
### Issue Type
Other (please describe below)
### Issue Description
We need compsets set up for testing purposes. These compsets will lead to final compsets for the next release. Several fea…
A ideia é criar um módulo ou um pacote que terá diversos datasets consolidados na área de stream. Desta maneira, facilitando o uso de experimentos clássicos.
Levantar as seguintes informações:
- N…
I live in the Midwestern part of the United States and we are seeing pollutants from forest fires in Canada often, recently.
Is there a way to pull some standard Air Quality value into the current …
As per discussion on 4/11/18, plans are as follows:
Temporal expansion of existing Exposures Service/API - Explore whether we can obtain additional years of data on CMAQ exposures (beyond 2010, 201…
At a talk the other day, a package `naniar` came up. The talk was on `VIM` which deals with missing values, and the speaker mentioned that `naniar` is similar to `VIM` except it works with `ggplot2`.
As a guest & all users, I would like to be able to search across all campaigns to identify matching records.
Possible search parameters:
- specific atmospheric parameters/trace gas
- specific alt…
Running CAM (either using the `cam_development` or `cam_cesm2_1_rel` branch) with an `F1850` compset at `f09_f09` resolution with the `-phys cam5` configure option fails with the following error:
I'm currently mirroring the climate data from ftp://aftp.cmdl.noaa.gov.