In the language comparison section of src/page-template.html, you say that Python does not have type annotations. It does, using similar syntax to pyret in that example:
def square(n : …
## Feature Request
Current doctstrings might include an `Args` section where parameters have type information (eg `anumber (int): a number`). Since we aim to add type hints to all variables, this c…
I'd like to be able to detect when a LintRule is being run under test. I know it's possible to use the FilePathProvider to detect if the filename is `valid.py` or `invalid.py` but that can lead to fal…
Functions implementing [PEP 484](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/) annotate arguments' type in their signature. It feels a bit redundant to mention args type again in docstrings.
PEP484 allows `TypeVar` to be used anywhere, not necessarily in Generic classes, see [this section](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/#type-aliases).
However as of today the following fails:…
My `.pyx` file uses a PEP-484 style type signature:
#cython: embedsignature=True
def f(path: str, a: int = 0, b: bool = True) -> typing.List[str]:
return []
Cython 0.29.13 turns this…
Add type hinting.
Not sure these need to be in typing_inspect, but for I am currently relying on the private names so I guess there is maybe something to do in the api here?
def is_forward_ref(typ):
I have noticed that the Antrl4 generated files (target python3) are using implicit optional on almost all its method declarations. An example is:
`def variableModifier(self, i:int=None):`
While th…
I tried to `autofunction` this function:
QueueItem = Union[asyncio.Future, str]
# the expansion of `Optional` makes me realize that `wait: bool=False` is probably more correct