Since this would be a learning experience for (many?) developers, good coding standards are mandatory to ensure code quality and readability accros PR's
### Feature request
This feature request is linked to the bug report https://github.com/PHP-CS-Fixer/PHP-CS-Fixer/issues/8052.
It would be great if we could extend the current fixes to s…
(ref. #3077)
What about implementing a way to specify fixer sets that depend on the path of the file currently being fixed?
For instance, we could have the following `.php_cs` configuration file…
On Windows, I don't seem to be able to get this to work on a multi-folder workspace,
unless I use the absolute path, but then it's not guaranteed to work on other people's machines.
Say I h…
ghnp5 updated
6 months ago
## Report Bug
The "phpdoc_trim_consecutive_blank_line_separation" rule removes PHPDocs comment lines **when there are line breaks in Doctrine Annotation.**
**Configuration :**
* PHP version…
### Realoquent Version
### Laravel Version
### PHP Version
### Operating System & Version
Debian 11
### Database Type & Version
Postgres 16.4 (Debian 16.4-1.pgdg110+2)
If the extension finds an undefined function anywhere in the code, it crashes.
A formatting extension should still be able to format the callsite without crashing.
Hi, this is my VS code setting, and **format on save** is not working!
"editor.accessibilityPageSize": 12,
"editor.wordSeparators": "`~!@#%^&*()-=+[{]}\\|;:'\",./?",
I know: probably I'm the only contributor, but I really love this unknown and underestimated library so here are some proposals for next major version: suggestions are welcome.
### Bump to php 8.3
Ich bin mir nicht so sicher, ob das hier wirklich eine für alle funktionierende Lösung ist, oder ob es eher durch Zufall funktioniert. Ich gebe sie trotzdem mal weiter, weil es ein sehr einfacher Proz…