### Mautic Series
5.1.x series
### Mautic installed version
### Way of installing
I installed with composer using https://github.com/mautic/recommended-project
### PHP version
### Description
I encountered a heap UAF bug in PHP with commit fb257ee83c405fecf449571bfcd1cc0fb4910336 I built the binary following OSS-Fuzz's guidelines, and the bug was repro…
### Preconditions and environment
- Magento version 2.4.7-p3
### Steps to reproduce
- Install a clean version of Magento
- In the console try to run `bin/magento sampledata:deploy --no-update`
**API Platform version(s) affected**: since 4.0.4 (4.0.10 still affected)
$ vendor/bin/composer-require-checker
ComposerRequireChecker 4.14.0@b6d5acd89d0de1727c1188157fa995…
**OS**: darwin
**Invoker Version**: 2.14.0
**Laravel Version**: unknown
**Local project**: true
**PHP Binary Path**: /usr/local/bin/php
**PHP Version**:
**Route**: /home
**Describe your environment**
- Run https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-php/blob/main/examples/traces/features/auto_root_span.php with `OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER ` set to `otlp`
**Steps to…
xvilo updated
3 weeks ago
### Horizon Version
### Laravel Version
### PHP Version
### Redis Driver
### Redis Version
### Database Driver & Version
_No response_
### What happened?
The PHP wizard aimed at creating a new project is buggy. Actually the last screen does not show any button, preventing the user to complete the project creation.
jymyj updated
6 months ago
Валидацията ти на регистационната форма не показва грешката "Username already exist", когато въведеш съществуващ потребител и парола по-къса от 4. Трябва да показва първата грешка за уникално потребит…