We have loaded REePSAxaD.cap on a NXP J3H145 and use OMNIKEY 3121 reader. when we want to enroll card Windows say the card is in read only mode and we can't continue
It would be pretty neat to support the PIV secure messaging system as specified in 800-73-4 part 2 section 4. With support for that, we could also have VCI for contactless, which would be very useful …
Document the plan of implementation for each component identified in the Component Definition Issue. Work content into a snippet for the OSCAL model.
Unless I'm mistaken (which is very possible), it looks like it would be possible to securely store SSH private keys using Android's "KeyStore" API, and this would seem to add some additional protectio…
#### Description of Issue:
What makes up a Physical Access Control System?
#### Details of Issue:
When it comes to FICAM and FIPS 201 Testing Federal Agency members do not fully understand all the c…
Putting this here to see if it's something that would be useful for mainline PivApplet. If it's something that would add value, I'll put a pull request in with my code.
Slot 9e by default doesn't …
In response to OpenSC issue https://github.com/OpenSC/OpenSC/issues/2242 by @jo-bitsch please see
This points out a problem …
Looking at things from a CMS standpoint, attestation certificates in some form or another help provide assurance that keys were generated on-module. As an example of such a process from the windows …
When reading the CHUID, it's often not necessary to grab the entire data structure if pre-enrollment has occurred.
SP 800-73-4 Appendix A states "For each container, compliant cards shall return al…
_jonathan.broskey@…_ originally submitted this as _[ticket:29](https://smartcardservices.macosforge.org/trac/ticket/29)_
- **Keywords:** _CACNG.tokend_
- **Cc:** @DewSecGitHub, _harold.d.mcbane@…_…