# First Post
# Hello World | 衣戈猜想
Hello World
# Writing a New Post | Chirpy
This tutorial will guide you how to write a post in the Chirpy template, and it’s worth reading even if you’ve used Jekyll before, as many features require specific vari…
# 方法论 :: x1ah
目标设定与管理 SMART 原则 定义:SMART 代表具体(Specific)、可衡量(Measurable)、可达成(Attainable)、相关性(Relevant)、时限性(Time-bound)。这是一种帮助个人或团队设定具体、可追踪目标的方法。 使用场景:在绩效管理中辅助制定绩效目
# Post - Simple Blog Template
# Storage with Javascript – ynot
Dear contributors, congratulations !!! All merged designs were accepted for production.
I have just merged all the designs in the `main` branch.
Since there were many final iterations with mino…
# 블로그 소개 - 코딩하는 감귤🍊 : 제주 지부
블로그의 진로를 정해보았습니다.
# [백준] 1916번 - 최소비용 구하기 | ChanBLOG
컴퓨터/IT/알고리즘 정리 블로그
# About me - Nepail's Blog
沒什麼好說的,就說 Hellow World 吧