I am trying to use ProbLog to solve a board game called King of the dice and there is a task to find a probability of tossing exactly N=0,1,...6 dice with value 3 out of the set of 6.
I can only co…
I defined a rule named `end_node(X)` meaning no out degrees in a graph.
node(X) :- edge(X,_).
node(X) :-…
In subquery/2 (and /3), the semiring is not passed on to the sub evaluation. This means custom semirings or the HALSemiring (continuous vars) do not yet work properly.
Example for dcproblog_develop…
I would like to be able to use the expressive power of Conceptual Graphs to express medical symptoms within Problog and not to remain with simple strings for which it is difficult to probe, even super…
Would be nice to have a chapter about that, with some examples maybe.
Maybe something similar to https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~poole/aibook/code/ailog/ailog2.html or so.
When I type the following command:
problog sample some_heads.pl -N 3
I get as output:
(True, )
rather than
Hello! My name is McCoy - [I work on probabilistic programming in Julia.](https://github.com/femtomc/Jaynes.jl)
I'd like to write a small front-end which can access the ProbLog Python API through J…
Random, potentially malformed ideas for add-ons.
### Did you read the documentation and check existing issues?
- [X] I have read all the [`:help neominimap`](https://github.com/Isrothy/neominimap.nvim/blob/main/doc/neominimap.nvim.txt) documentat…
In the parameter learning code (https://github.com/ML-KULeuven/problog/blob/master/problog/learning/lfi.py), I noticed something strange in the method `_update` employed to update the weights. In the …