I'm using upsertList() in a number of areas (ProductModel, Category, AttributeOptions etc) and when I run it, I'm not getting a response. How would I know what item has been created/updated successfu…
When creating an event, it cannot end at 2400 hrs, and events cannot be created that span over midnight. When making an event that starts, say, at 1700 hrs and ends at 0000, the event gets added to th…
I get this error when creating a client:
Fatal error: Uncaught GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Client error: 'POST https://api.xsolla.com/merchant/v2/merchants/xxxxxx/token' resulted in a …
Hi there!
I am very interested in using this bundle for our [project ](https://www.sport-finder.com) but we couldn't achieve to install it and make it work.
So I tried to reproduce our error in …
walva updated
4 years ago
How to properly deal with "401 JWT expired" in long script?
Injection RefreshToken GrantType in constructor of BolCom\RetailerApi\Client\Oauth2Middleware did not help.
UPDATE: as I found it probab…
Right now, I have blank white pages being served up from [https://nsfw.wnymathguy.com/](https://nsfw.wnymathguy.com/).
It has been so long since I admin'ed like an adult that I didn't check the re…
J'utilise depuis longtemps l'API afin de faire différentes tâches, et mes tâches échouent depuis quelques jours. J'ai essayé de mettre à jour l'API, toujours la même erreur.
Que voici :
When we are calling uber products api its working perfect but wen we call ride reminder api we getting following 404 errors,
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientE…
Fatal error: Uncaught GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Client error: `POST https://fortnite-public-service-prod11.ol.epicgames.com/fortnite/api/game/v2/profile/62d343e3caea47e881e8919e31b8f1ac/cl…
[26-Apr-2020 15:07:30 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Client error: `POST https://content.dropboxapi.com/2/files/upload_session/append_v2` resulted in a `400 Bad …