I've begun testing this module across a couple of VMs. On setting up the second VM (with a bit of test data in the database), I've found that the database gets reinitialized, wiping out the data.
In https://github.com/jenkinsci/packaging/pull/317, there has been a work to use [Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish](https://releases.ubuntu.com/22.04/) the latest LTS.
This issue tracks the tasks and w…
sorry, thanks. before I close this. Is there a place where I can hardcode this datapatch command to be run right after opatch? any advise how do I work around this issue?
1. Many products at endoflife.date already link to repology (see [this search](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aendoflife-date%2Fendoflife.date%20repology%20path%3Aproducts%2F&type=code) for results…
This code is only executed if OWSM_ENABLED is true. In our…
Hi. I am trying to retrieve all the information for a single repository.
I have followed all the instructions in readme file till entering the token value in ```config.yaml``` thats located in ``…
I try a very simple setup :
``` ruby
# ClouderaManager node
node /^cm\d+.vagrant.dev$/ {
class { 'cloudera':
cm_server_host => $::hostname,
install_cmserver => true,
And the …
Followed the instructions in the blazegraph-deb section to build and install 2.1.4 and it worked at first. But after trying to load a lot of data the system froze. On restart, blazegraph will not re…
ubuntu@ip-111-11-11-111:~$ sudo git clone https://github.com/jembi/openxds.git
Cloning into 'openxds'...
remote: Counting objects: 12911, done.
remote: Total 12911 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta …