I wonder if you could generate stable IDs for main headlines or even more detailed subtitles as far as you like, please. This could help anybody to get a stable link to the proactive controls (e.…
## Feature Description
> A clear and concise description of the feature you want or need.
Like many other agents do today, it would be helpful if New Relic auto-explained slow query traces (a fu…
#Add Resources for PYTHON
Wanted to add links to various blogs and Video resources that I went through in my journey of learning python.
As far as I can remember I have learned and used the following languages in small to moderate projects:
1. ActionScript
This was asked about in https://github.com/github/codeql/issues/9298 and the issue log stated "closed as not planned". The "answer" was to dismiss via the UI. But this alone is really not a sufficien…
# Create a Jinja-like templating engine
You need to create a Julia package that implements functionality of [Jinja](https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/3.1.x/templates/#) templating engine. You ca…
# Description of feature
We want to improve slice processing in ADflow and expose the slice-based computations to the Python layer with derivatives so that we can include functions based on the sli…
70+ Python Projects For Beginners, Intermediate And Experienced Developers
In this post, you’ll find example projects with step-by-step instructions, tutorials and …
Expose an online "k-scratchpad" (or an online IDE / Notebooks environment) that one can visit within their browser and immediately start writing / compiling / running ``K`` code. There are various lev…