In QingCloud IaaS, the GetResourceStandards API has been added.
Would you please add this command in QingCloud Go SDK and CLI tool?
sending: {
QingCloud LoadBalancer add a new function `scene`, it's useful in HA cluster deployment. When one of masters down, the connection between kubelet and LoadBalancer will be still active, but the connect…
Some binary files come from QingCloud OSS when the `KKZONE` is `cn`. But no one knows when, how those files transfer to it. It's good to maintain them by GitHub. So everyone can help to maintain it.
**What would you like to be added**:
support resize neonsan .
**Why is this needed**:
NeonSan supports resize on…
**What happened**:
Pod failed to startup due to Volume attach limitations. But the Pod shouldn't be scheduled to the Node that has already attached 10 drivers.
**What you expected to happen**:
cfa need to handle file management, such as video, ppt and markdown files.
Loopback has a Loopback-storage-component which can easily create a file system, but it dont provide connection with Googl…
**What happened**:
In one of HA Kubernetes master, pod which mounted PVC restarts failed after restarting instance.
**What you expected to happen**:
Pod restart successfully after restart…
The documentation website and go.beyondstorage.io are both down which causes gitlab-dependabot to throw this error:
go.beyondstorage.io/services/fs/v4@v4.0.0: unrecognized import path "go.beyond…