time="2024-07-22T17:55:59+08:00" level=warning msg="登录失败: 登录失败,请前往QQ官网im.qq.com下载最新版QQ后重试,或通过 问题反馈与我们联系。 Code: 45" bot=internal
time="2024-07-22T17:55:59+08:00" level=warning msg="你的账号被限制登录, 请配置 Sign…
填不填appid secret 都一样
node v18.12.1
官方模块正常 qq-guild-bot: "^2.9.5"
~~重新发包pypi 加上pil~~
From https://github.com/Mrs4s/go-cqhttp/issues/2471, we could know that the upstream `go-cqhttp` is out of date, and @XYenon has already archived the repository [efb-qq-plugin-go-cqhttp](https://githu…
So that we can enable the `Room.find()` feature.
### 出现问题的功能
### log文件夹内的日志
2024/10/11 - 03:09:31.395 [35mDEBUG[0m initialize/gin.go:44 msg:
2024/10/11 - 03:09:31.397 [31mERROR[0m initialize/gi…
je n'arrive plus à me connecter au wordpress d'openstreetmap.fr
il me dit à ma première tentative You have exceeded maximum login retries Please try after 14 hour(s)
ce qui rend les essais un pe…
### 如何认领
请直接在下方回复,我会把 issue 的 assignees 设置为你
- 每周必须在评论中更新进度,无论是学习进度还是开发进度
- 如果**两周**内没人任何进展, 则认定为认领失败, assign 将被取消,可以由其他人认领
- 如遇到节假日等特殊情况,同步进度日期可以顺延
> 学习也算进展,所以小白不必担心
### Who is using Apache HertzBeat?
Thank you very much for your attention and support to hertzbeat. This is the biggest motivation for us to move forward.
### The original intention of t…