# AcWing785题 ——快速排序(Quick sort) | BestYuan
In @chriselrod's machine, running the quicksort benchmark hangs with 8 threads. When it hangs, the CPU usage 0%. Originally reported here: https://discourse.julialang.org/t/ann-threadsx-jl-parallelize…
Consider implementation of a [quicksort](http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2012/11/27/computer-science-in-javascript-quicksort/). This would be especially useful once `Typed Array Views` and `Buffers` are…
The **two way partition Quick Sort** have a worst case complexity of O(n^2) when there is duplicates element in the list. This can be optimised by **_3 way partition._** In this all the element left o…
La versione C non dovrebbe essere simile a quella di Java 1?
Quella attuale è _strana_, `partition` restituisce due indici, ha due distinte chiamate di `swap`, `quickSort` ha due diverse invocazion…
I want to write a C++ implementation of Randomized Quicksort. Choosing a pivot at random enhances quicksort performance. I am a GSSoC '21 participant.
@rudrakshi99 @nakul-19 @plazzy99
need quick sort program in python
Want to add quicksort program in python. Pls assign this issue to me.
Add Quick Sort
Three Way Quick Sort
Tail End optimisation for Quick Sort
with code and proper explanation