Firstly, many thanks for this great framework (particularly for features like r2pipe and Cutter)!
**Issue Description**
I'm trying to perform static analysis of a stripped binary file, and the go…
running it thru coverity i get the following issues, so i'm lazily reporting them in here ^^
19:45 (19 minutes ago)
to me
Please find the latest report o…
- [ ] Use `let` and `const` where possible.
- [ ] Arrow functions in examples
- [ ] Support coroutines with generators and such (future premises)
> In addition, r2pipe scripts can be used to write plugins for radare2 or extend current functionalities:
> * Assembler/Disassembler plugin for RAsm
> * RIO plugin to abstract re…
r2 -
-- This is an unacceptable milion year dungeon.
[0x00000000]> #!python3
Python 3.5.3 (default, May 10 2017, 15:05:55)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
For example, be able to sort/list the packages with categories like `asm`, `anal`, `io`, `core`, `debug`, etc kinds of the radare2 plugins provided. Also the `r2pipe` and something else.
Another ap…
I try to use Nodejs bindings and have a problems with install. Make is normally finished but I see one error:
node-ffi # make
NOTICE >class Radare.RMagic
NOTICE >class SDB.Sdb
Due to how the filename argument is passed into subprocess.Popen, I cannot pass in the flags to open r2 with a project file without needing to also supply an actual binary.
I think R2Pipe should a…
Running "Discover_And_Dump.py" from Quickstart section of the readme results in "radare not found" messages on the celery side.
`Discover_And_Dump.py examples/iwconfig -D iwconfig_results`
I'm using r2pipe to try to map a "virtual" file at certain address. The command line that i am using is:
r2 \
-a arm \
-b 32 \
-e cfg.bigendian=true \
-c "e asm.emu=true…