When conducting feature extraction using Pyradiomics, I encountered this error:
Exception thrown in SimpleITK Cast: /tmp/SimpleITK/Code/BasicFilters/src/sitkCastImageFilter.cxx:94:
I am trying to extract the GLRLM features for a set of images, and then storing them to be used as input for further SVM classification. However, I am faced with the issue that, the features calculate…
In FAQs/"What modalities does PyRadiomics support?", 2D-feature extraction was explained as follows:
3D or slice: Although PyRadiomics supports single slice (2D) feature extraction, the input is stil…
Hi, I noticed that when executing the feature extractor, there is a parameter "voxelBased" to select whether to use voxel-based or segment-based feature extraction.
Could you please help me clarify…
I‘m new in radiomics and I just encountered this value error:
ValueError: ('Label (%g) not present in mask. Choose from %s', 1, array([2], dtype=uint32))
How can I fix the problem?
**Describe the bug**
If I try to execute feature extraction from my 2D bmp grayscale images, I get the following Error message:
`sitk::ERROR: Pixel type: vector of 8-bit unsigned integer is not supp…
Example: https://mila.quebec/en/publications/
It would be nice to reuse the same code as in the Mila website. Not sure if that's 'easily' possible via RTD
I am currently attempting to extract features from NIFTI files (.nii.gz) using pyradiomics; however, I am having an issue with the batch feature extraction in the command line using CSV files. …
Hi, I'm new to extracting radiomics features with this library. I'm trying to extract radiomics features from PET images, however for a few of the images, I got a segmentation fault (core dumped) erro…
Though I installed PyRadiomics in google colab, after running the instantiating code it's showing -module 'radiomics.featureextractor' has no attribute 'RadiomicsFeaturesExtractor'. What can I do now …