this is because the format is common typically throughout a ctf
so the idea workflow would be as follows:
at the start of the ctf you would set the flag format
each time you use rctf it looks…
dmur1 updated
7 months ago
dmur1 updated
7 months ago
dmur1 updated
8 months ago
it can do this based on the filenames of the added files
if it can't make a good guess it can leave it as "./task" but its better to make a guess as this will mostly work correctly and doesn't crea…
dmur1 updated
9 months ago
dmur1 updated
9 months ago
Test for `FRINTMSr`:
; Function Attrs: strictfp
define void @BLI_rcti_rctf_copy() #0 {
%0 = tail call float @llvm.experimental.constrained.floor.f32(float 0.000000e+00, metadata !"fp…
https://github.com/Microsoft/msbuild/issues/2158 was closed in favor of https://github.com/Microsoft/msbuild/issues/304, the latter was closed in favor of Jeff's RoslynCodeTaskFactory.
This issue i…
ghost updated
9 months ago
invariably someone will leak an admin token, so let's future proof and make tokens revocable!
Allow for challenges to have an rctf link system, by allowing for like a {INSTANCER_LOGIN_TOKEN} placeholder that allows logging into the instancer
support logging in via google for ucla students to remove account signup friction and also add protection on signing up for accounts