Hi. Is there a way I can use toast.custom but include the standard animation? I'm wanting to use Tailwind UI components for the toast but use the default react-hot-toast display and disappear animatio…
I would like to add pop-ups using react-hot-toast for all successful or unsuccessful(error) actions like successful login/register, wrong email-password, successful file, URL upload and folder creatio…
The npm modules react-toast-notifications is no longer maintained. Looks at using react-hot-toast.
- old: https://github.com/jossmac/react-toast-notifications
- new: https://github.com/timolins/r…
I'm running into the following error on trying to use the library:
Attempted import error: 'cache' is not exported from 'react' (imported as 'cache')
Error trace
### Describe the bug
Using shadcn with astro and create button component as per your documentations. below is the generate code
import { Slot } from "@radix-ui/react-slot";
import { cva,…
## Problem
If I type the following code
It does hand over the `type` to the custom handler. So I can access the `type` in my own component (which i…
tf63 updated
4 months ago
When a Modal is rendered using HeadlessUI React, and a toast is dismissed manually by clicking on the X button, it causes the modal to close as well.
Codesandbox: https://codes…
- Add the backend folder inside the app folder.
- install the following packages:
yarn add axios bcryptjs jsonwebtoken nodemailer mongoose react-hot-toast
I was writing tests for my custom toast wrapped around react-hot-toast and faced with the bug where my toast persisted at the DOM tree. I decided to try the original lib and it happened again.