## 前言
新项目的技术选型为:`redux + react + immutable + pounchdb`
| 技术 | 作用 |
| --- | --- |
| redux | 框架,决定应用形态 |
| react | 视图 |
| immutable | 数据结构 |
| pounch | 前端数据库 |
### redux
> learn redux
``` html
# Redux
## createStore
createStore(reducer: (state) => state, preloadedState?: state, enhancer?: Function): {
dispatch: (action: object) => action,
subscribe: (listener) => un…
# Actions
**Actions** are payloads of information that send data from your application to your store. They are the only source of information for the store. You send…
it would be very handy if we could configure which particular event types gets logged. Currently every event gets logged by the spy listener which often results in huge amounts of console logs.
# redux源码学习
> 声明:本文原创,如有雷同,别人抄我。
在js单页面应用中,js需要管理复杂的state (状态)。由于前端有各种复杂的UI交互,包括ajax等等,都会去改变state。state 在什么时候,由于什么原因,如何变化已然不受控制,想重现问题或者添加新功能就会变得非常困难。
First I wanna point out I was so happy when I saw there was a hook for it. thanks
**Do you want to request a *feature* or report a *bug*?**
a bug
(If this is a *usage question*, please **do n…
I use redux persist for persist redux data. I persist user info in redux persist and its so cool.
but there is a big problem when I use redux saga, so redux persist cannot persist saga data
my con…
From @EmrysMyrddin (https://github.com/alakarteio/k-ramel/issues/60)
It could be useful to allow users to define their own custom actions along with the ones already generated by k-redux-facto…
# 1、middleware
> middleware 的函数签名是 ({ getState, dispatch }) => next => action
> **函数签名**:(或者类型签名,抑或方法签名)定义了 函数或方法的输入与输出。
## 问题
**`dispatch` 的参…
**Do you want to request a *feature* or report a *bug*?**
**What is the current behavior?**
I'm listening to a specific document in a collection:
firestoreConnect(({ userId }) => …