Instead of handling location changes yourselves the standard is to use https://github.com/reactjs/react-router-redux
it gives you access to…
The observableMiddleware accepts a `next` function, but redux's [`applyMiddleware`](https://github.com/rackt/redux/blob/611a543603b824345e84ed1d64c08f783d601a02/docs/api/applyMiddleware.md) expects a …
Hello all,
I'm starting using the 'why-did-you-render' library.
I would like to track my custom hooks but it seems not working on my side.
Here is my configuration (starting with only one custo…
One goal of this library is to have a drop-in redux-form compatible component. Most of the time that is what we are using. I did mention in the Readme that it should work without redux-form and I thin…
Per [react-redux](https://github.com/reactjs/react-redux/blob/master/docs/api.md#getwrappedinstance-reactcomponent) I think it would be useful to have a method that returns the wrapped component.
Very similar to #3, but this should instead model directories/folders which are provided by the Rails API. These too should wrap the behavior of a https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/El…
Hi, I'm playing with Matrix recently, and I'm also a fan of Redux.
When I saw your project I'm heavy interested, but after I read the README and examples I could not get the point of why we need th…
It cannot be dispatched well if we use redux-thunk.
internal API, "getWrappedAction" only wrap action as object. If it gets function from redux-thunk and will be ignored by "shouldUpdate" since …
Redux form should take up the U2 mantra " I can't live with or without you" .
I have had so many challenges that are likely caused by my own ignorance managing redux form within several applicatio…
Redux recommends that you wrap your `Router` with a `Provider` from react-redux which passes the store to all child components via React's context. Container components then find this store and pull s…