I love running reek with the -U flag to give links to the documentation related to the smell.
Is there some way to pass these flags through pronto-reek to pronto to adjust the reek output?
The main website: http://reek.github.io/anti-adblock-killer/
Their GitHub: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer#anti-adblock-killer--reek
The filter list: https://raw.github.com/reek/anti-adb…
Please help to setup plugin, documenttion of Sublime Linter is not obvious.
✗ which reek
Sublime Linter settings:
// SublimeLinter Sett…
Given I have the code on GH (`path/some_class.rb`)
class SomeClass
def do_stuff
The current reek…
In my company, we have several projects that use Code Climate metrics with rubocop, reek...
I'am creating a gem to share an up to date configuration with every projects.
Rubocop has a way to use t…
The currently implemented properties can be found [here](https://github.com/Q42/Rijksmuseum.CollectieOnline.SparqlBook.Issue.Tracking/blob/main/properties.md).
## Describe the bug and/or desired be…
I've been using Anti-Adblock Killer | Reek for a few weeks now without any issues, but just today when I tried to watch something on viki.com the "turn off your ad blocker" message showed up again.
*Originally created by strijm (https://github.com/VNG-Realisatie/Haal-Centraal-common/issues/99):*
Als dienst beheerder willen we de foutafhandeling.feature uitbreiden met een foutmelding voor de sit…
The plugin docstrings refer to test example setup following Reek. This has changed when we moved to Drogon. Update links accordingly.
After upgrading to 4.12.0, reek no longer appears to be analyzing code when a custom configuration is specified, ala:
``` ruby
metric.enabled = true
metric.config_file_pattern = 'config/metri…