## vNext
- [ ] better C# side query building, complaints:
- [ ] c# string multi-line literals not nice with interpolation
- [ ] c# string multi-line literals require escaping double quotes
is invalid for RQL.parse while being perfectly valid by sense of RQL
I'm getting my hands dirty with RethinkDB and Ruby. One thing I find really awkward is the requirement to pass a connection to #run. I was hoping to create reusable table references like so:
I am searching for a way to query my collections and using logical operators via Rest. Something like the Resource Query Language https://doc.apsstandard.org/2.1/spec/rql/#spec-rql-logical
Do y…
At present the Query API spec provides a recommended set of operators to implement when using the optional RQL support in the spec. It has been suggested that this is strengthened to be a mandatory se…
Because of the is_subclass_of check in php-rql
saving something like this fails because the check triggers the autoloa…
I have a RQL like this:
note the two queries for the foo variable. In conjunction with mongo-rql this gives amongo query goes like this:
Simple test case:
'use strict';
const Query = require('rql/query').Query;
const testPredicate = new Query().eq('foo', null);
Expected output…
We need the ability to export various types of VOs via RQL queries in a format that is easily downloadable and formatted exactly how a Mango import expects. The endpoints are all at GET ../export
While we don't support any ACID transactions, it would still be desirable to support some easy ways to perform two phase commits.
A simple example is to consider an game application with players. pla…