#### Summary:
I would like to add some custom binomial link functions for rstanarm; I'm seeking guidance to do that.
#### Description:
In psychophysics and neuroscience, it is common to use forced-c…
#### Summary:
A short summary (no more than a sentence or two).
When trying 'library(rstanarm)', the library fails to load and am told "object 'm' not found
#### Description:
A full description …
Some packages use different names for the same argument (e.g. "nsamples" or "draws" for number of samples to draw for the prediction / fit). Should make a complete catalog of these and standardize the…
Something we should talk about at the next meeting:
I think we've only been testing on Bernoulli models, but binomial model syntax like `y_count|trials(n)` in brms or `cbind(y_count, trials - y_co…
#### Summary:
This report is about stanheaders. Actually the issue occures on the Debian packaged source that is available at [CRAN](https://cran.r-project.org/package=StanHeaders). It is using a h…
#### Summary:
Not sure if this is intentional, but I noticed some `dummy` variables in the mvmer.stan chunk & it appears that the target isn't being incremented for binomial & bernoulli link function…
Packages such as rstanarm and brms permit glm/glmer-like formula-based model specification, but also include default and specifiable priors on model parameters that should be fairly straightforward to…
#### Summary:
`stan_lmer` cannot be used through namespacing (`rstanarm::stan_lmer`), which creates issues in packages depending on `rstanarm`.
#### Description:
`stan_lmer` cannot be used throug…
#### Summary:
Due to the requirement of CXX14 since [bd717c0](https://github.com/stan-dev/rstanarm/commit/bd717c03869066270434ce48824886498ce05356) the package does not compile, giving the following …
What is happening with `rstanarm` when I try to install/update?
> install.packages("tidyposterior")
Installing package into ‘/Users/kamaulindhardt_1/Library/R/3.6/library’
(as ‘lib’ is uns…