Using a celluloid socket, e.g.
HTTP.get(url, socket_class: Celluloid::IO::TCPSocket).response
with current Rubinius (built 9/14) in either 1.9.3 or 2.0 mode causes a crash:
This code needs to be as portable as possible!
I attempted to install the lmdb gem on a fresh install of Rubinius through RVM without success. For this build, I created a new gemset in RVM for freshness. Any plans to support compiling lmdb with Ru…
When I run ECell (not-quite-yet-released Celluloid project, sorry) on Rubinius and then start Reel, the `@server.accept` call in `Server#run` seems to never return. If I start Reel by itself without s…
> square = (x) -> x*x
@1:1 failed rule 'string', got 's'
> exit()
@1:1 failed rule 'string', got 's'
> Ctrl + c
@1:1 failed rule 'string', got 's'
> exit()
An exception occurred running /home/jess…
**The errors:**
zhangysh1995@ubuntu-zhangyushao:~$ crawld -c crawld.conf
E0314 10:19:15.173304 6197 crawld.go:79] impossible to clone https://github.com/rubinius/rubinius.git in /var/craw…
It seems gems for all versions of Rubinius are put in `~/.gem/rbx/2.1.0`. Would it make sense to separate them out a bit more?
drnic updated
13 years ago
How do I require the library so I have access to Rubinius::Channel on jruby? I did this:
require 'rubinius/core-api'
p Rubinius.constants
and it output this:
which tells …
it's me again :)
``` shell
An exception occurred running /Users/solnic/.rvm/gems/rbx-head@virtus/bin/mutate
wrong constant name Virtus::Coercion::String (NameError)