Need to have instructions on how to fix this:
``` bash
RVM reloaded!
Warning! PATH is not properly set up, '/Users/mhulse/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/bin' is not at first place,
usually this is cau…
# Ruby version manager
- Google: [ruby rvm using](https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=K-RQW6s8sZCbBeXdkdgM&q=ruby+rvm+using&oq=ruby+rvm+using&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30k1l10.6354.30577.0.31156.1…
Would be nice to add support for asdf, or mise or even RVM.
A lot of projects require more than one language being able to have one less file the `.ruby-version`.
Rbenv doesn't support the `.too…
ruby profile.rb api_key=07e17fd3-6af1-4bf9-b2bf-faed2c81f51f api_url=https://s01.massprospecting.com:443 id=5fa0ad4b-5797-4470-baf4-fa9ebc09f7f1 ignore-hostname=yes force-profile-run=yes headless=…
I forked and will investigate how to do this myself, but I wanted to post it here too. I try to keep my rubies and gemsets all nice and segregated so it would be nice if OTask played nicely with RVM u…
Currently `ascli` uses `HTTP/1`
-**Binary Protocol**: HTTP/2 uses a binary format for data, which is more efficient for computers to parse and reduces overhead.
- **Multiplexing:** M…
I'm getting a strange issue with RVM.
stderr: mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/vagrant/.rvm’: Permission denied
anyone else getting this? Thanks
I want to install rvm on my server using chef, how can I use this cookbook with the version of ruby from rvm?
Thank you
Hi, So I'm trying to use a system rvm install to allow my ci to be able to use rvm on its own.
I'm trying to use this: `fetch(:default_env).merge!( rvm_path: "/opt/rvm" )`, but I'm not sure where t…
# Using RVM
- `rvm list`
- `/bin/bash --login`
- 🍏 `rvm --default use 2.5.1`
## Using Tk/Tcl
- `rvm reinstall 2.6.3 --enable-shared --ena…