Probably unable to do anything about this, but when sitting ENGM_D_APP rwy 01, I was unable to coordinate anything with S3 as I was not next controller.
Worked without any issues on S5 via RIPAM
Add a new [metric](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/master/filebeat-input-aws-s3.html#_metrics) to the `aws-s3` input to observe the number of S3 Objects being tracked in the input's sta…
XIAO S3 and Wroom S3 cam don't seem to work with edge impulse model. I get a heap corrupted reboot loop on both.
Both work fine with regular camera capture example, so the pinout doesn't seem to be t…
S3 or C3 has an USB port, is it possible to directly run this on S3 or C3 with ELRS on it as well?
This could be pretty useful, and I think `opendal` crate would make it relatively easy to implement: https://crates.io/crates/opendal (unless `polars` can already do it, of course).
I invested some time to get this running on an ESP32-S3 and wanted to share the work.
I didn't test every aspe…