I'm new to scalajs-react, and I've set up a minimal project. It works well with Scala 2.13.10 but it fails with Scala 3.2.1 (3.1.3 also shows the same error). When I run the command `sbt "Compile / fa…
I'm trying to run an sri project, but I'm getting this error
![simulator screen shot - iphone x - 2018-01-12 at 14 22 12](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35372166/34877019-7993bfda-…
Using the current version sbt-web-scalajs 1.1.0 (works perfectly with 1.011)
I get this message from SBT after it tries to extract the project structure:
This is what i am looking for before! Have you thought about integrate lift+scalajs-react ?
This is basically [this issue from Stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69394632/webpack-build-failing-with-err-ossl-evp-unsupported).
[error] node:internal/crypto/hash:71
# ScalaJS snippets
Markdown files containing snippets with the modifier `scala mdoc:js` are transformed into markdown files which end with two script tags
where `someFile.md.js` cont…
When trying to build docs with `sbt doc`, the `@react` annotation doesn't work if the `Props` defined inside the class has a scaladoc on it. Outside of trying to build docs, everything works fine.
I'm hoping I can get some help here. I am trying to integrate okta authentication with my scala js application. I was recommended to use scalablytyped to help with generating the javascript fac…
Hi, I was curious about trying to write 'straight up' React code in scala (apart from scalajs-react and slinky) and was looking to see if React itself could be found under the Distribution. ~~I was ab…