안녕하세요, 제가 너무 재밌게 하고 있습니다!!
이걸로 친구들이랑 내기를 자주 하는데요, 혹시 정답 파일을 접근 불가능하게 따로 관리해주시기는 힘들까요?
아래 설명해 주신 방법 대로 Docker로 웹페이지를 여는 것은 성공했습니다만, 정답이 원래 사이트를 따라가네요.
따로 정답을 지정하거나 원래 사이트와 다르게 할 수는 없나요?
python scripts/semantle.py
File "/Users/iinbar@tripactions.com/IdeaProjects/semantle-he/scripts/semantle.py", line 21
secret = await logic.secret_logic.get_secret()
지나간 퀴즈들도 다시 해보고싶어요.........
하루 한 번 너무 적어 꿰에엑
Hi! Thanks for the awesome idea and video about cracking Semantle. Your brute-force algorithm can actually be vectorized (rewritten in terms of matrix-vector operations), which is much faster than loo…
getting the following when running:
PS C:\Users\Iddo\Documents\semantle-he-cracker> node .\main.js
14:27:56.108 INFO ############################## Starting! ##################
Another [Semantle](https://semantle.be/nearby_1k/d2FubmVlcg==) list. This time, the problem is that words that I expect were in the original text as alternatives ("hij/zij" etc.) were fused into singl…
Plan: To compare the outputs (also using code haha)
I was playing the [Dutch version of Semantle](https://semantle.be/) today, a word guessing game which uses this model to compare words. There was a noticeable difference compared to the [English versi…