I'm working on migration to sensu-go, and I'm using the legacy sensu, the older influxdb handler supports stripping the hostname from the metric. I have included my configs and a sample query I'm usin…
Taxon violations for fly annotations for GO:0014016 neuroblast differentiation and descendants:
GO:0014019 neuroblast development
GO:0014018 neuroblast fate specification
GO:0014017 neuroblast fate…
I'm trying to communicate with sensu API and list down events.
I was able to list down the checks and assets. But getting 404 error.
When I try `list(client.events.list())`
I'm getting below er…
Okay...here's the situation
I'm a collaborator on an asset sensu/sensu-servicenow-handler backed by a private github repo.
My bonsai login is at the default public repo scope level.
I'm able t…
Reference: https://github.com/sensu/grafana-sensu-go-datasource
To do: Create a guide to making meaningful monitoring visualizations using the Sensu Go Grafana Data Source plugin.
Our partner page on pagerduty.com links to documentation for installing the old Sensu Enterprise "Classic" integration. We need to update this with instructions on how to install and configure the new…
panic: Device not found
goroutine 1 [running]:
main.notifyPushbulletOne(0xc00013a6c0, 0x0, 0x0)
/Users/rgeniesse/go/src/sensu-pushbullet-handler/main.go:142 +0x284
In internal ref: https://secure.helpscout.net/conversation/2034967718/30087?folderId=5845954, we ran into an issue where version 0.4.0 of the handler doesn't seem to respect the `--insecure-skip-tls-v…
panic: The param 'device_iden' has an invalid value.
goroutine 1 [running]:
main.notifyPushbullet(0xc0001426c0, 0x0, 0x0)
I am using email handler plugin and installed using below command.
**sensuctl asset add sensu/sensu-email-handler -r email-handler**
**below is the check definition**