Hello, I want to know whether it accelerate the inference. Recently,I try to accelerate the inference of siamrpn. I try to use fp16 instead of fp32. It is said that fp16 is twice as fast as fp32.
I got all environment set up and was trying to run demo.py with the provided command:
`python tools/demo.py --config experiments/siamrpn_r50_l234_dwxcorr/config.yaml --snapshot experiments/si…
I have this problem:
/home/rlc/anaconda3/envs/H_R-Siamese-RPN/bin/python /home/rlc/H_R-Siamese-RPN/bin/test_OTB.py -ms /home/rlc/H_R-Siamese-RPN/imagenet_pretrain/siamrpn_38.pth -v tb100
0%| …
Hi, when I run 'python demo.py', it shows "ImportError: No module named alexnet_tweak".
I guess alexnet_tweak is a pretrained model? How can I solve this issue?
在VOT2016上测试的话,config.py中的 LR\PENALTY_K\WINDOW_INFLUENCE 这几个参数设置为多少比较好呢?尝试了
__C.HP_SEARCH.VOT2016=[0.2, 0.04, 0.44]
__C.HP_SEARCH.VOT2016=[0.28, 0.16, 0.4]
Hello, thanks for you magnificent works. I'm currently trying to use updatenet in SiamRPN network, but both pre-trained models are for UpdateResNet512. Could you please publish the pre-trained models …
Thank you for your contributions! 👍 You are really admirable!
- Would you please tell me exactly which datasets did you use to train the model? Actually, I'm not sure about the meaning of 'SiamRPN …
Thanks for your work at first. I download your code and just change "data_path" in file "test_OTB100" to my folder of OTB100 sequences , and use the model "siamrpn_38"that you provided, but when I run…