**Issue in `traefik/compose.yaml`**
ECDSA cipher suites will fail in Renovate due to bad implementation of gnutls, see https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/discussions/25258
Testing adding ne…
I have attached a patch which should make extending simple_messages actually
possible. Basically, I have added a few more compile definitions which
separate honest MOTOPLUS and ROS header defin…
The error dialog is too verbose for an end-user.
![screen shot 2016-07-28 at 2 46 27 pm](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5062950/17233652/63aa1e24-54e6-11e6-8c3c-8c6021f030e5.png)
_From @abbyad on September 9, 2013 18:18_
We can incorporate full group messaging when we refactor the facilities module, but in the meantime many partners and users are expecting to be able to send …
Hi Andre!
I have an electronic device connected to my local WiFi AP and send/recive meassage by other clients with this Html file:
Washington = name of STLT
### User Story:
As a developer, I want the [STLT] to validate test messages in staging, so that they can receive data in the format they expect.
### Description/Use Case
Never noticed before, but testing is simple.
We just need a job, 1 transaction scope that commits, and 1 that rolls back.
- Logged message to the console disappears (also rolls back) …
I am very interested in your project. I am trying to read the signal the can-bus sends to the factory alarm siren when the alarm goes off. i am trying to activate a relay when the alarm goes …
It seems like an *actual* example of enabling end-to-end encryption messaging with the new Rust Crypto API is nowhere to be found. Where can I find a *simple* "Hello, world!" example of E2EE messaging…
Wyoming = name of STLT
[WY Notes](https://cdc.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/teams/ReportStream/Shared%20Documents/Engagement/STLTs%20and%20Senders/Wyoming%20.Onboarding%20Running%20Notes.docx?d=wd996723890114…