- [ ] https://medium.com/@jonathan_hui/object-detection-speed-and-accuracy-comparison-faster-r-cnn-r-fcn-ssd-and-yolo-5425656ae359
- [ ] https://www.kaggle.com/maheshdadhich/detectors-for-obj…
I am emgu official user, and currently try to train own model used for MultiboxPeopleDetection
but really confused how to train my own model used in as MultiboxPeopleDetection.
DomLi updated
7 years ago
i read the code, but i found that the loss function is ssd's? the multibox loss function is't the function in yolo's paper, right?
- A Survey of Deep Learning Approaches for OCR and Document Understanding (https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.13534)
Thank you so much for making avod-ssd public, it helps a lot.
I roughly read the code in avod_ssd_model.py, and please check whether my understanding is correct or not.
1. AVOD-SSD is not a "REAL" S…
## Bài toán nhận diện syntax kiểu OCR
- [x] Kiểm tra Input
- [x] Search for Vietnamese data.
- [ ] OCR
- [ ] Word2vec
- [x] Vanishing Gradient and Exploding Gradient
- [ ] RNN
- [ ] Transformer…
### Authur 筆者
渡部 宏樹、渡辺 裕
### Motivation なぜやろうとしたか
猫・犬の顔検出を行う研究で猫の検出率が低い。(Defomable Part Model)
物体識別ではCNN、物体検出ではYolo, Single Shot Multibox Detector(SSD)
# SSD Single Shot MultiBox Detector
## Reference
- [Github repo](https://github.com/weiliu89/caffe/tree/ssd)
- [SSD paper](http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.02325)
- [深度学习之目标检测 SSD的理解和细节分析](https://bl…
Relevant Applications, key technical challenge, etc.1-paragraph for each model describing why we care. (Add to reference contributing and vision):
Nice work, thanks very much. But I have a little question:
'min_sizes' : [30, 60, 111, 162, 213, 264],
'max_sizes' : [60, 111, 162, 213, 264, 315],
Did this mean the sca…