Thanks for your great work. I read your paper and released code these days, and I have questions about the Edge-Supervised Branch.
In your paper, the predicted manipulation edge map, denoted as …
Use relay translator for converting relay model to relax
Greetings. I'm trying to compile the camera_sobel, but getting compile errors.
I've tried using the 17.1 and 18.1 build tools versions, but I get the same error for both
ITU-T Rec P.910 in Annex A, section A.1 defines the Sobel filter should be performed without border extension.
> The calculations are performed for all 2 ≤ i ≤ N – 1 and 2 ≤ j ≤ M – 1, where N is t…
This issue was originally discussed in #4707.
Scipy is noticeably faster for both the Sobel and Prewitt filters (~7.6 μs vs ~52 μs), but SciPy by default does not handle masks, but skimage does. …
I am testing Win32 static build, and according to AIDA64 the CPU supports SSE4.1.
Sobel tests passed:
# 边缘
## Reference
- [Prewitt operator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prewitt_operator)
- [梯度与Roberts、Prewitt、Sobel、Lapacian算子](https://blog.csdn.net/swj110119/article/details/51777422)
- 1970 …
running the code Pebblecounts.py, after the selection of filters, in scale 1 of 3 a large number of windows are tested:
How can I set manually the window size (or the windows number)??
In your paper you describe InverseForm is used to compare `b_pred` with `b_gt`. The latter is obtained from running a Sobel filter on the ground truth segmentation . Is there any particular reason we …