Within this formulation, what is the natural way of implementing freestreams that vary with space and time? (eg an object interacting with a transverse disturbance)
In the code, I want to use the same adjacency matrix data for graph and change the speed dataset to have [speed, covid_cases_in that_place_at_that_time].
For instance, to check the traffic flow wi…
In addition to text inputs, the API-endpoint for conversational chatbot should also be able to consume temporal or spatial constraints via the API requests.
Hi, I am trying to reproduce the results stated in your paper End-to-End Spatio-Temporal Action Localisation with Video Transformers by Alexey A. Gritsenko Xuehan Xiong Josip Djolonga Mostafa Dehghani…
- [ ] create metadata for latitude/longitude points (SRID 4326)
- [ ] document MySQL 5.7's limitations for reprojections
- see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21877179/mysql-spatial-convert-…
AU - Le Clainche, Soledad
AU - Vega, José
T1 - Analyzing Nonlinear Dynamics via Data-Driven Dynamic Mode Decomposition-Like Methods
VL - 6920783
DO - 10.1155/2018/6920783.
Could it be possi…
Some times a good way to express the extent of a resource could be by reference to an area defined by a DGGS grid element(s). Where this is a geographic extent, would it be a polygon or identifier i.e…