Hello ! I made some changes to the codes and got some errors. It seems like something worng with the generated json files. So I hope that I can get the original json flies in ssod stage (oicr_plus_v…
I have 1 GPU,and i run the code for 4000iters.
Before testing, I copyed DynamicSoftLabelAssigner to ConsistentTeacher-main\thirdparty\mmdetection\mmdet\core\bbox\assigners
and change __init__.py
As the tutorial suggested, I started training the soft_teacher_faster_rcnn_r50_caffe_fpn_coco_180k.py model with the default settings on coco dataset.
The script that I used for training:
for FOLD…
The fasterRCNN by default uses `roi_head=dict( type='StandardRoIHead')` . However if I change the` type` to `DynamicRoIHead` the softTeacher fails. Could you help me with this issue?
> T…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "examples/train/train.py", line 193, in
File "examples/train/train.py", line 182, in main
File "/app/jomedhi/SSOD-mai…
# 我先自己训练了一个标准的yolov5s模型,然后用convert_yolov5_to_efficient.py脚本转换为efficient-yolov5s.pt,再进行半监督训练,配置文件如下:
project: './runs/yolov5_ssod'
adam: False
epochs: 200
weights: './data/et/fire_smoke/efficient…
2022-07-07 14:05:26,893 - mmdet.ssod - INFO -
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.135
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50 | area= all | maxDets=1000 …
The code block is as follow:
Why do we need to add tensor_label_k as input during SSOD?
When samples append tensor_label_…
Thank you for sharing your excellent work.
In the previous issues, it is mentioned that the SSOD loss is not supported by yolox model. I guess this is because `YOLOAnchorAssigner` does not support…
Hi, congradulation on your works!
Trying to add some modules based on your design, I found that at [https://github.com/Adamdad/ConsistentTeacher/blob/main/ssod/models/dense_heads/fam3d.py#L168](url),…