It appear that it doesn't support sublime text 3 yet, is there any chance of it happening?
Can you make this work on Sublime Text 3?
I'd love to use this package with Sublime Text 3, but the packages are revamped and would need a bit of work to update
g105b updated
11 years ago
Any planned Sublime Text 3 versions?
编辑器 Sublime Text 终于更新到了 3.0 正式版,同时以前的注册码也不管用了,不过网上还是能找到[乐于分享的人](https://fatesinger.com/100121):
【注:sublime 可以无限期免费使用,但是会时不时弹窗提醒你购买】
200 User License
This is a very useful package. I cant leave without in ST2.
But ST3 breaks support. Please update it to support Python 3 (or whatever is causing this incompatibility)
Exception in thread Thread…
I can't seem to install this package with Package Control on ST3
You list Vim and Emacs as wanting support, but would you be interested in getting Sublime Text 3 support set up?
This can be done through the "LSP" plugin: https://github.com/tomv564/LSP
You can…
tboby updated
5 years ago
Are there plans to support ["goto symbols"](http://sublime-text-unofficial-documentation.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/symbols.html) (e.g. ctrl+r on windows)?
A way it could work is to treat he…
Just noticed that it doesn't work under recently update sublime text 3.0. Git init has no effect.