However I have another issue when saving ....df_output with list_path_save = supy.save_supy(df_output, df_state_final, freq_s=3600, site='', path_dir_save='path/to/some/dir'). I got
**Describe the bug**
In the BEERS module documentation of df_output_variables, Tg is labelled as "Surface temperature". Is this the case or is this actually the ground temperature?
Also Tw is miss…
*@sunt05 commented on Nov 29, 2019, 10:50 PM UTC:*
What is `overuse`?
ghost updated
3 years ago
# 2.1.1. Scheme options — SUEWS v2020a documentation
# 1.1. Bug reports and enhancement requests — SUEWS v2020a documentation
No water can infiltrate if ToSoilStore in SUEWS_WithinGridWaterDist.txt is set to 0. This is not clear in the manual and it affects movement of surface water before any infiltration takes place, it se…
list the implemented and missing functionalities.
(I'll expand this gradually)
- [ ] daylight saving scheme
- [ ] irrigation (partially done)
- [x] 7-class land cover classi…
I just tested setting 100% fraction Grass for the area, but still got same fluctuation in LAI_DecTree in the Daily State,
Upper limit to the surface state. [mm]