The compiler used is: mpi/openmpi/4.1.1-gcc7.3.0
The compilation method is:
cd lib
cd ../src
make -f makefiles/Makefile.gfortran_mpi
Generate train. x program
The software version is 2.0.…
Add a `enum` or `class` to handle response codes from Swish
commit info is [b9e185c](https://github.com/openppl-public/ppl.nn/commit/b9e185cf98649e408159635d12ca1767e7c15545)
When I run build.sh, a error occured. The details of the error are as follows:
**Enhancement Suggestion**: as a user, I'd like to maximize, minimize, and close window previews using trackpad gestures.
**Comment**: essentially, what [Swish](https://highlyopinionated.co/swish/)…
# Swish/SiLU
Do you have any plans to implement the Swish Op in ONNX?
### Describe the operator
Swish is a popular Activation fuction. Its mathematical definition could be found at https://en.wik…
系统版本:Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
root@proxy:/home/system_install_package/PaddleOCR-json/cpp# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBS ./build/bin/PaddleOCR-json -models_path="/home/system_install_pa…
Searching for Activation Functions
https://github.com/ChingChuan-Chen/keras_swish_beta and
from keras i…
I sort of assume this project exists for several reasons:
SWISH administrators really *want* and *need* the HTTP Admin tools of ClioPatria