Hi, I've written a simple es6 module which I'm trying to get Hot-reloading using [jspm](http://jspm.io/) + [jspm-server](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jspm-server) (fork of live-server).
When jspm-s…
:point_up: [February 17, 2017 11:31 PM](https://gitter.im/aurelia?at=58a779c00ad50ac3152dd50d)
HMR needs a bit more work but the reasons it's so hard are more architectural
currently I need to tra…
Hi, here's an issue I'm having when I try to install this repo behind a proxy. When I run this script: `npm run init`, I get these errors:
> react-redux-typescript-jspm-starter@0.12.0 init
> j…
I run into this yesterday:
> cbuild -d -v -m systemjs-hot-reloader -o dist/bundle.js -C config-npm.js
Bundling for development (NODE_ENV = undefined and --debug set)
Build error:
Error …
Hot reloading can be very useful, especially when working on styling. Is it possible to have hot-reloading with express-systemjs-translate?
After I add this:
``` javascript
import injectTapEventPlugin from 'react-tap-event-plugin';
// Needed for onTouchTap
// Can go away when react 1.0 release
// Check this repo:
// https://github.com/z…
[Edited to include pertinent comments]
One should be able to precompile files and pass them to systemjs-hmr for a quicker reload cycle.
Something like this
We're currently still using JSPM `0.17.0-beta.32` (SystemJS `0.19.41` and systemjs-builder `0.15.34`) because the hot-reloader isn't compatible yet with SystemJS 0.20. Also
We have a big code code…
I'm trying to start a project with aurelia+jspm+hmr using this to reload.
Unfortunately I'm not expert and it seems hard to make the aurelia reload after get new files.