I downloaded sample code given on github and try to take photo from camera for iOS platform . Image taken from camera has text but result got wrong from this library. Its giving correct text from…
A error that seems common but I not seen how to fix it
I run bundle exec ./bin/build_frameworks.rb
options: {}
Package opencv2 is already installed. Skipping build.
Package leptonica is alread…
This repo is so helpful because of its support for Tesseract 4.0.
I'm try to compile this again with the latest Tesseract release using Xcode 10.2 and got stuck. I'm rebuilding because many of the…
Is it possible to recognize only the numbers within an image?
Is there any plans to upgrade this package to Tesseract 4.0?
Good job on the package it works great for me.
Following [build instructions](https://github.com/twelve17/openalpr-ios) trying to run `build_frameworks.rb` for commit 7e8040b81c007fe9af8558a5bd3d211f93ac9776, but it finishes with error.
In terminal:
MacBook-Pro:Folder user$ carthage update
*** Fetching Tesseract-OCR-iOS
Parse error: expected submodule commit SHA in output of task (ls-tree -z HEAD CryptoSwift) but encountered:
Hello Shreeshrii,
first of all many thanks for your support and help. I do come across your name a lot...
I'm new to tesseract and trained data and I'm exploring its possibilities.
I want to recog…
I'm trying to add the library with SPM using the new Xcode 13 RC seed, but when I try to archive I constantly get the following build error message: "No such module 'libtesseract'"
I've also tried to…
I wish to know how to use the traineddata available from tesseract-ocr without inducing