If [tkdocs\.org's article on the event loop](https://tkdocs.com/tutorial/eventloop.html) is to be believed, `widget.event_generate()` is **the** thread-safe way to interact with it:
> If you need t…
### Type of Issue (Enhancement, Error, Bug, Question)
#### Operating System
MacOS 14.7 (arm)
#### PySimpleGUI Port (tkinter, Qt, Wx, Web)
# User Story
**As a** maintainer,
**I want** to display a basic, visually intuitive interface,
**So that** users are able to navigate the application effectively without instruction.
### A…
1. Darsda ko'rib chiqgan TODO application qo'shimchalar kiritish.
2. [translate](https://pypi.org/project/translate/) package orqali tarjimon app qilish, har bir tarjima qilingan so'zlarni istoriya s…
I am able to run YOLO and detect objects. I created GUI for users that calls main() function from darknet_images.py.
I run it from VS Code and it seems that everything works well.
Now, I w…
facing problems in setting the commad for buttons in tkinter gui
Hey :)
I want to use this in a tray-only script, so I attempt to block it. Some extra logic runs on a different thread that must be shutdown properly, so I have to catch ctrl+c, but it doesn't work…
First of all i want to tell about the system i am using, i am using **linux mint** as my primary OS on which i have installed **Atom Editor** and found it as one of the most amazing and most customiza…
I have created a Design file in Figma, following the steps of the Element Guide as described in https://github.com/ParthJadhav/Tkinter-Designer/blob/master/docs/instructions.md
The created page (File…