## Description
### Describe the bug
Reverse proxying Ampache with Traefik does not work with Docker provider labels.
- "traefik.enable=true"
## HTTP Routers
After updating one of my stacks, I started to receive the following error for one of the services (1 container)
Mar 9 16:46:59 swarm-node-2 dockerd[19990]: time="2017-03-09T16:46:59.241934249Z…
@ccoVeille I have run it successful. see https://github.com/alingse/go-linter-runner-example/blob/main/.github/workflows/go-linter-runner-revive-92c3209.yml#L27
and the config file https://github.com…
"pr": 5076,
"linter": "nakedret",
"version": "v1.61.0"
Original issue: https://github.com/docker/cli/issues/4842
### Description
Since updating to Docker version 25.0.1, I've encountered an error with my Traefik saying, 'Could not resolve host: xxx.…
Using the code provided in the README with helm installation gave me the following error:
ERROR: plugin enabled is missing moduleName/version keys !`
Even if I use the latest version (i.e. v0.7…
"pr": 5081,
"linter": "filen"
name: testifylint
linter: testifylint
workdir: .
install: go install github.com/Antonboom/testifylint@latest
"pr": 5109,
"linter": "goconst",
"version": "v1.61.0"
"pr": 5013,
"linter": "recv"