Hi, Hongyang, thanks for sharing the code.
Since the code for transductive tasks is not available, could you please share the hyper-parameters such as num of hidden layers in the Graph U-Net and opt…
I am wondering if it makes sense to use GraphSAGE on graphs with no features? Does it still have an advantage over DeepWalk? Why is GraphSAGE without features experiment is missing in the paper?
Hello. This is nice repo and make me easily to understand and implement FSL model to my project. But i would like to ask you How to implement and train Transductive Fine-tuning model
## 집현전 중급반 스터디
- 2022년 7월 10일 일요일 9시
- 김은서님 발표
- 논문 링크: https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.10903
> ### Abstract
> We present graph attention networks (GATs), novel neural network architectures that ope…
Hi~ @matenure
I want to change the some code to pytorch version, so I have some question about the use of inductive file and the transductive file. And if I have an inductive task for GCN, but the o…
Hello, Othman! I am reproducing your code, but I met some problems. First, is it right in line 19-20 of datasets.py? I have not found miniINTools folder. Second, I have not found datasets01_101 folder…
Could you please explain the use of self.cached in models/GCN.py? If the setting is transductive and the self.cached is set to 'False' manually, will that influence the performance (e.g. ACC) of the a…
It shows line 46, g.ndata['h'] in train_transductive.py is not correct. I commented this line, then errors occur in the following lines. Could you help me on this issue?
In GAE, the decoder is trying to reconstruct the adjacency matrix. I presume that this approach makes the GVAE completely transductive because an unseen node will not be present in the adjacency matr…