http://mappings.dbpedia.org/server/extraction/en/extract?title=Great_Britain_men%27s_national_basketball_team&format=turtle-triples&extractors=custom makes triples with en.dbpedia.org (which does not…
### Checked other resources
- [X] I added a very descriptive title to this issue.
- [X] I searched the LangChain.js documentation with the integrated search.
- [X] I used the GitHub search to fin…
I want to create a new extractor but i am unable to understand the following:
1: I want to create new output dataset file, just creating a new dataset in Dataset.scala is not working for …
# Where did the problem occur (e.g. dbpedia.org/sparql, lookup, spotlight)?
> Please give the full URL, if possible
2016-05-06-03-000017-bash-4.1$ sh bin/liveSync.sh
[INFO Global] Options file read successfully
[INFO ChangesetExecutor] Patch 2015-08-27-15-000201 CLEARED 160 resources
[INFO ChangesetExecutor] Pat…
Find and/or develop other possible matrices to evaluate different strategies for converting text to RDF statements. Current matrices like F1 score and exact match are not able to match RDF triples sem…
# Issue validity
> Some explanation: DBpedia Snapshot is produced every three months, see [Release Frequency & Schedule](https://www.dbpedia.org/blog/snapshot-2021-06-release/#anchor1), which is load…
您好,我想问一下Event Triples Extraction based on dependency parser and semantic role labeling,这个的论文我怎么没有搜到?楼主可以分享一下吗?
A minor problem with text extraction: space after a link is eaten up.
Eg https://bg.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Джон_Кенеди&action=edit includes:
| description = [[Ich bin ein Berliner|Речта…
Page https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bełżec_extermination_camp&action=edit
| prisoner type= Polish, German, and Austrian Jews
| notable inmates = Rudolf Reder, Chaim Hirszman, Mina As…